
TimeControl Implementation Consulting

HMS has developed a series of QuikStartTM assistance programs designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible with TimeControl. We've organized these QuikStart programs by edition with TimeControl Express being the simplest and TimeControl Enterprise being the most complex. Clients often ask us for additional assistance beyond the QuikStart but these easy-to-implement programs are fast ways of getting TimeControl up and running in the shortest possible time.

We virtually always recommend that new TimeControl clients start with a QuikStart and then expand on the service later once the system is up and running. We've listed below our pre-packaged assistance. HMS offers the following consulting services for the TimeControl Product Suite:

We have several prepackaged consulting options which correspond to requests that we receive often. You'll find more information on them below. If you don't see something that's the right match for you, please just ask and we'll have one of our technical personnel work with you to scope your requirements with you.

TimeControl Quickstart

TimeControl QuikStart is designed to install and deploy TimeControl in a rapid pace. The flexibility of our timesheet system makes it an ideal choice for clients who want a single in timesheet interface used for many different purposes. During this 5-day consulting program, our consultant will assist you with the installation, configuration and roll-out of TimeControl. We'll load the system with some of your legacy employee and project data and set up links to existing project systems and help with links to other corporate systems.

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Integration Assistance

HMS has also assisted countless organizations with integrating TimeControl with other aspects of you corporate systems. We have extensive experience with a variety of project management and project cost systems and with how to tie our systems into such elements as HR or Finance or production planning databases.

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Upgrade Assistance

Although TimeControl upgrades are often done without our intervention, sometimes it's easier on you to have an HMS expert on hand to move you from one version to another. This may be particularly true if you have extended TimeControl through database enhancements or other customized development. Contact us using the HMS Services Request form and we'll put you in touch with one of our technical staff who can assess your needs with you.

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